• open call lichting 2024
03-06-2024Apply now for Lichting 2024!



You can now apply for Lichting 2024 via the open call!
Find all information below, or view and download the pdf via the link above.


Participants of Lichting each stand out in what they do; whether that is couture, digital design, performance, commercial product, innovative design or handcrafted materials, the condition is that you create impressive work and excel in your work.

All Lichting participants;

  • graduated in fashion design at an HBO fashion academy
  • graduated between 1 January 2024 and 1 August 2024
  • deliver an outstanding performance in fashion design
  • can make their concept, process & work clear in the application
  • are available at all dates Lichting takes place

– Presentation to Dutch jury – 24 July 2024

– Portfolio & pitch workshop – 5 August 2024

– Panel pitch to international panel – 5 September 2024

– Lichting show – 6 September 2024


Selection procedure:
Lichting 2024 works in three selection rounds:

  1. Selection by academies or open call:

– The 7 Dutch fashion academies* send in one student each. These graduates are guaranteed through to the Dutch jury pitches.

– All design graduates from the academies* can apply via an open call

  1. The Lichting organization selects 25 candidates for the third round (this includes the 7 selected graduates from the academies).
  2. The 25 selected candidates each present their concept, process and work in a short presentation to a Dutch jury, who will select ten final participants for Lichting 2024.

These ten participants are in the Lichting trajectory and show.

The participants will receive guidance and preparation to pitch their work to an international panel and present their work during the Lichting show for panel, press and a curated audience. The panel will pick one winner for Lichting 2024. The Lichting winner receives a cash prize of €10.000.

*The seven Dutch academies that participate in Lichting are AMFI – Amsterdam Fashion Institute, ArtEZ University  of the Arts, Gerrit Rietveld Academy, MAFAD Maastricht Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Royal Academy of Art, Utrecht School of the Arts, Willem de Kooning Academy. Students from AFA – Amsterdam Fashion Academy can apply via the open call.



Click here to fill out the application for Lichting 2024.

The deadline to apply is 9 July 18:00

questions? hello@htnkinternational.com


Or view / download the pdf to see the frequently asked questions.