Pablo Willemars
graduate of ArtEZ Institute of the Arts, Arnhem

Beste Reizigers

Being named after Pablo Picasso and Salvador Dali, their parents knew they would be raising a creative. Born in Utrecht, Pablo Willemars has always been obsessed with the world of fashion and art. Even at a young age they were sewing their own creations and drawing the clothes of their dreams. To this day, they play dress up while getting ready in the morning and never lets gender norms define them. After completing their high school education in Graphic Media, Pablo studied menswear and tailoring and at the age of 19 enrolled at ArtEZ Institute of the Arts in Arnhem where they graduated in 2022 with their collection “Dear Travelers,” a collection that tells the story of the culture of hectic contemporary train travel. Despite taking their art very seriously, they use humor as an important aspect in their creations because of the element of surprise. Pablo portrayed their thoughts with shapes standing away from the body, these worn objects remain in constant conversation with the body that is holding it up. Alongside these sculptural shapes live wearable garments which explore different silhouettes expressing the story. Alongside these sculptural shapes live wearable garments that explore different silhouettes expressing the story. Using textiles and uniforms of the Nederlandse Spoorwegen, train seat coverings, denim pants and a foldable bike to visualize the story. With their work they want to create beauty in the world that can be worn, held, placed on the body or appreciated from afar.