• Marlo Saalmink


Inspired by an eclectic career as a visual artist, cultural attaché and creative journalist working for international magazines, political organizations, design schools and innovative brands, such as LA REPUBLICCA, DASH MAGAZINE, MUUSE, FUCKING YOUNG! MAGAZINE, the United Nations, American Apparel, POLIMODA, Munoz Vrandecic, ESMOD and THE WHITE BRIEFS, I decided to focus on pensive brand development processes. As a Creative Director, Lecturer and Brand Strategist, I now work with a curated selection of international designers, schools and magazines. Currently based in Copenhagen, Denmark, after living in Brussels, Amsterdam, Paris and Berlin, I aim to embrace a reflective sense of space and communicative devotion to where ever I reside. The Nordic hemisphere allows for such pristine design reflection and serves as an interesting backdrop for creative fashion processes.


Internationally, my design and fashion business consultancy is aimed at advancing designers in the various markets. A profound understanding as the foundation, it is the connection of stores, concept boutiques, buyers and press, to designers, that is central to my work and travels. My technical salonfähig approach consists of copywriting, creative direction, public relations, mentoring young talent and brand development.
Nowadays, for me, a successful designer focusses more on intelligent dialogues on fabrics, fit and pensive craftsmanship. Conducting extensive research is crucial and an integral part of intelligent fashion design. The careful selection of projects I engage myself in, is always the result of a thoroughly instinctive and holistic process. The combination of working with internationally successful brands with a powerful identity, creative concept stores, conducting coursework at international
design schools and advising upcoming designers, is what keeps me innovative and constantly inspired. Henceforth, each season we aim to enable 4-5 upcoming designers/graduates with the tools to set up their brands in a controlled and professional way. The idea is to take them through the entire strategic process of international branding, sales, social media, networking, writing and PR, step by
step, which is closely correlated with my role as a guest lecturer.
